Contact Us

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In Person Appointments at Ascent*

Mon - Thu 9:30am - 7pm (last appointment 5:30pm)

Fri 9:30am - 6pm

Online Appointments

Mon - Thu 9:30am-7pm  (last appointment 6pm)       

Fri 9:30am-6pm

Ascent Physio & Massage (formerly SUMO Therapies),

81 Mary Street,




A relaxing therapy room located on the ground floor. Free parking is available in the car park accessible from James Street  within a short walking distance.

Contact Ascent, call/email Elaine to make an appointment or book online:

Ascent: 01324 630888

Elaine: 07976 661994


*Please do not attend an appointment in person if you have or think you may have COVID-19.

Instead, please contact us to reschedule your appointment or convert it to an online session if your feel well enough to attend.

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