Client Information (MyCaw)

Pilot study for the use of MYCaW® in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy

Participant Information

We would like to invite you to take part in our voluntary research study. Before you decide, it is important that you understand why the research is being done and what it would involve for you. Please take the time to read this information and discuss it with others if you wish. If anything is not clear, or you would like more information, please ask us.

  • What is the purpose of this study?

    In Part 1 of this Pilot study, CPHT, the training school for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (SFH), tested the use of a questionnaire called MYCaW® (Measure Yourself Concerns and Wellbeing) to see how well it fitted in with the structure of SFH sessions.  The results from Part 1 indicated that this measure is suitable for the collection of information that would show how well SFH works.

    In this Part 2, CPHT are collecting further information to evaluate how well SFH works.

    MYCaW® is a validated questionnaire and is approved by NHS_England.

  • Why have I been invited?

    All potential clients over the age of 18 attending this clinic will be invited to participate in this study.  We are hoping that each clinic involved in the study will recruit around 5-10 participants per month.    The data will be analysed when there is sufficient information for the analysis to be statistically meaningful.

  • What will happen if I decide to take part?

    If you decide to take part, the therapy will be conducted in exactly the same way, you will just be asked some extra questions at the Initial Consultation and then at every fourth session, and at the final session.  These questions should add approximately 5 minutes onto each of these sessions.  You will also be asked to agree to being contacted after 6 months to answer the same questions for follow-up information.

    At the Initial Consultation you will be asked to think about your concerns and score how much they are bothering you.  Where 0 is the lowest or best score, your concern not bothering you at all, and 6 is your worst/most severe score, your concern is bothering you greatly.  You will also be asked to scale your general wellbeing from 0 – 6 in the same way.

    At every fourth session and at the final session, you will be asked to scale those concerns and your general wellbeing again.  You will also be asked to write in the questionnaire anything else in life that you think may be affecting your health, and finally, reflecting on your time with the therapist, what has been the most important aspect for you.

    If you choose not to take part, your therapy will be conducted in the same way, just without the extra questions.

  • Are there any possible disadvantages or risks from taking part?

    SFH is a very positive therapy, and you will be asked to focus on what is good, rather than on the problems in your life.  However, there is just a very slight risk that answering the questions may cause you to think negatively for a moment or two.

  • What are the possible benefits of taking part?

    There will be no direct benefit to you in taking part.  It is hoped that the results of this study will show that SFH produces significant positive changes in clients.

  • Will my taking part in the study be kept confidential?

    Both your therapist and CPHT will treat your personal information and your study data in a strictly confidential manner and according to the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.  Your therapist will provide you with a copy of their Data Protection Policy, and the CPHT Research Programme Data Protection Policy can be found here:  

    A company called Meaningful Measures operates the licence for MYCaW® and collects anonymised and non-identifiable data to create a database of anonymised concerns/symptoms/activities.  This data helps organisations such as CPHT to understand people’s needs.  Your MYCaW® data will be fully anonymised and sent securely ONLY to Meaningful Measures Ltd.  For more information, please see the website:

  • What will happen to my data?

    Your anonymised data will be analysed by Meaningful Measures Ltd and CPHT to see how the therapy has helped you to achieve your goals, and what you think of the therapy sessions.

  • What will happen if I don’t want to carry on with the study?

    If you do not wish to carry on with the study, please advise your therapist and no further data will be collected.  We would ask that your collected, anonymised data be left in the database, but if you wish to have your data erased, then your therapist can easily do that for you.

    Your care will not be affected in any way by your wish to withdraw from the study.

  • What happens at the end of the study?

    The data will be analysed by Meaningful Measures Ltd and CPHT and may be presented at conferences and published in academic journals, but it will not be possible to identify your individual data.

    The data will be erased after 10 years.

  • What if we find anything unexpected?

    It is highly unlikely to happen, but if answering the research questions produces anything unexpected, you will be advised to contact your GP for medical advice and any medical treatment if required.

  • What if there is a problem?

    If you have a problem with the way the study has been conducted, you should first discuss this with your therapist.

    Your therapist is insured and is in regular contact with a supervisor.

    Your therapist belongs to the following professional association(s) and follows their professional code(s) of conduct and ethics:

    • Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH)
    • National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH)
    • Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) 

  • Who is organising and funding the study?

    The study is organised and funded by CPHT.  Your therapist is not being paid for including you in the study.

    Your therapist details:

    Name: Elaine Neale

    Practice Address: Happy Hypnotherapy at Ascent Physio & Massage, 81-83 Mary Street, Laurieston, Falkirk. FK2 9PR

    Office Address: 12 Oakhill View, Falkirk. FK2 0DB


    Phone number: 07976 661994

Thank you for reading this information and for considering taking part.

Download your copy of this information here:

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