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Small Steps

Elaine Neale • Mar 31, 2020

Small Steps... Lead to Giant Leaps

No, I'm not talking moon landings or space exploration here! In these times of social distancing "space exploration" is limited to the spaces inside our homes and, if we're lucky, gardens. It's a time when we're limited in what we can do and that can encourage us to focus on the problems we face - either globally as a race or inwardly to the fears and worries that we're nurturing for ourselves, our families and friends.

As a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist I try hard to live my life in accordance with a positive and solution focused mindset but I'm not immune to those times when the primitive part of my brain starts shouting and the stress response kicks in. Just like everyone else I have worries about what will happen next, how long will it last, how we will cope and provide for the family and how will we get back on our feet in the long run. I had a day like that yesterday in fact. So what did I do?

I went back to basics. I looked for the positives (yes, they were still there) and I looked for small steps. 

What are they? 

Small steps are exactly that - the next little thing that you can do to to make yourself feel better. My small steps helped me to take control, quiet my primitive mind and return control to my positive, intellectual mind. 
  • I pulled my "big girl pants" up (Anne, if you're reading this - that one's for you!), made phone calls and sent emails to get help in sorting out some issues. Issues that turned into non-issues when I got the responses.
  • I switched the news off.
  • I took some time for myself and did some creative writing - an activity that needs the intellectual mind to be in control and diverts attention from "the problems". Being creative in doing something else gives you some much needed headspace and lets your subconscious work through whatever it needs to.
  • I had family cuddles! A great Oxytocin booster and we all felt better!
  • I did 10k on my cross-trainer with my earbuds in listening to some up-tempo music - turns out that's quite a lot of small steps! 30 minutes well spent because it got the endorphins flowing, I felt fitter and more energised. I didn't care that I was sweaty and bright red at the end of it because I'd achieved my goal. (Apparently, purple was more accurate according to my son. Thanks Buddy!)
  • I made plans for today's small steps to give myself purpose.
By the time I went to bed I was in a much more positive frame of mind so was able to sleep better and wake up with a better outlook for today. So keep doing the small steps, the more you do, the easier they become and they really can turn into giant leaps.
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